
Solving Sapien specialises in multidisciplinary thinking and working, bringing together knowledge and people from many different perspectives.

Solving Sapien offers;

  • Expert analysis and advice, from policy to practical on the ground application.
  • Training in the below areas of expertise
  • Rapid research, synthesis and easy communication of technical content
  • Stakeholder engagement, bringing together collective knowledge to understand the systems interactions of different innovation options, the opportunities and trade offs involved, and identifying the best solutions to move forwards with.
    • Stakeholder network mapping
    • Facilitation and workshop design and delivery
  • Communications and commentary including;
    • Public speaking and presentation
    • Debates and discussion
    • Commentary through writing, audio and video.

Areas of expertise include;

  • Systems thinking with root cause analysis and long term futures projections for the development of effective and innovative plans, strategies and compelling visions for sustainable futures.
  • Ecosystem restoration and Rewilding, Biodiversity Enhancement and Net Gain across land and water, helping understand ecosystem functions, long term changes and natural processes in our environment, what restoring these would mean, what that would look like and how it could be done.
  • Nature Based Solutions, Ecosystem services and natural capital, helping understand the benefits our environment gives us, how we could improve them and what that would mean. For example across flood risk, air quality etc.
  • Green infrastructure and the multiple benefits green infrastructure can deliver.
  • Climate change, decarbonisation and carbon sequestration.
  • Sustainable agriculture and how agriculture interacts and could interact with ecosystem restoration, sustainability, climate change, technology and social and economic issues.
  • Futures and technology, particularly green technology and how technological change might interact with social, economic and environmental factors over time.
  • Sustainable development, applying systems thinking across multiple environmental, social and economic factors to consider impacts on health and wellbeing, economics, technology etc.

Working together and combining our collective knowledge Solving Sapien can help you develop and deliver sustainable solutions in policy and practice that are grounded in root cause analysis, long term thinking and delivering multiple benefits. We are interested in working at a broad range of scales, from local projects to national policy, delivering tailored solutions that meet project priorities in a way that also meets the global climate, biodiversity and sustainability crises.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you think Solving Sapien might be able to help you and provide the services you’re looking for.