
Dan grew up in Liverpool but always had an interest in the natural world and went to Bangor University for his undergraduate degree in Marine Biology and Zoology (and a lot of kayaking). After his degree Dan worked delivering ecological surveys, including in Australia on a reintroduction project. Dan quickly realised the ecological survey world wasn’t for him as he was more interested in catchment and landscape scale conservation and active restoration of ecosystems, as well as a keen interest in wider sustainability issues. This led Dan to do an MRes in Ecology and Environmental Sustainability at Aberdeen. After working in river catchment management and landscape scale restoration projects around the UK Dan was keen to work on even bigger scales and moved on to work in policy with Natural Resources Wales (NRW). After this time with NRW Dan has realised that he is actually interested in systems thinking, in everything from ecosystems through to energy, transport and economics. Dan’s love of the natural world and progressive ideals underpin his thinking and Dan started Solving Sapien to work proactively across these multidisciplinary problems, helping deliver solutions that work for people and planet.